Monday, March 01, 2010

Twitter hits 10 I give a twit

Ok I guess something twextwaordinary twappened twis week with twitter having 10 twillion tweets in the tweet o sphere. Well like they said in Gone Twith the Twind, "Frankly ho twitch, Hommie don't give a twat's ass." Yes, I saw the tweet ghetto version.

Do I tweet, Twell yea I do. But I twelly don't care about how twany tweets have been tweeted. It's kinda twike pissing off twe back porch. TwIt's fun, everyone does it as twuch as possible, but there's usually no one on the receiving end.

So I did some digging around and twound real tweet stats.

Official Twitter Stats:
Twitter People: 50 twillion
Tweets: 10 billion
Tweets Read: 56
Useful Tweets: 3

Back in twa day of being a Rock Star we twad our own version twof twitter.

here little birdie...

yes that's a bunch of infamous 4am fans ... uh tweeting 4am style!

Please (RT)
Follow me on Twitter @SirJager


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